Alternative Energy Storage
Without Batteries
Alternative Energy Storage without batteries
The Gravetron method utilizes the by-product of pressurized hydrogen and oxygen store energy under water. The naturally occurring and necessary compression overcomes the head pressure water to store the gas to a depth resulting in a buoyant force relative tot eh force of gravity x the mass of water displaced x depth. This stored energy has no limit to scale and when utilized with the manufacture of hydrogen through electrolysis, can subsidize the energy required to run the system during peak hours. In simple terms you are reversing gravity and creating hydroelectric power through buoyancy. When utilizing a body of water, the system can create current, waves, aeration and circulation to foster lake water health.
The rising and falling of the system would either generate electricity and/ or mechanically act as a pump to do work.
To work efficiently, the system should utilize all the by-products of electrolysis ( oxygen, heat and pressure ) on site.